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How to disable Instagram suggested posts

Outline of the Article:

Definition of Instagram suggested posts
Purpose of disabling suggested posts
Overview of the article’s content
Why Do Instagram Suggested Posts Exist?

Algorithm behind suggested posts
Benefits of suggested posts for users and Instagram
Pros and Cons of Instagram Suggested Posts

Advantages of suggested posts
Disadvantages of suggested posts
How to Disable Instagram Suggested Posts (iOS)

Step-by-step guide for iPhone users
How to Disable Instagram Suggested Posts (Android)

Step-by-step guide for Android users
How to Disable Instagram Suggested Posts (Web)

Step-by-step guide for accessing Instagram on the web
The Impact of Disabling Suggested Posts

Effect on user experience
Possible changes in content exposure
Tips to Enhance Your Instagram Feed

Curating your feed without suggested posts
Following relevant accounts and interests
Instagram Algorithm and Content Visibility

Understanding how the algorithm works
Leveraging the algorithm to your advantage

Recap of the article’s main points
Final thoughts on disabling suggested posts

How to Disable Instagram Suggested Posts?

Instagram suggested posts can be both helpful and bothersome for users. While they often introduce new and interesting content, they can also disrupt the personalized experience users desire. If you’re looking to take full control of your Instagram feed and remove suggested posts, this article will guide you through the process.This article was compiled by the buytelegrammember (social network service center).


Instagram suggested posts are a feature that provides users with content recommendations based on their browsing behavior and interests. These posts appear in between regular posts from accounts users follow, and they aim to keep users engaged with fresh content. However, some users might find them intrusive or irrelevant to their preferences.

Why Do Instagram Suggested Posts Exist?

Why Do Instagram Suggested Posts Exist?

To offer a better understanding of suggested posts, it’s crucial to explore the algorithm behind them. Instagram employs a sophisticated algorithm that analyzes users’ past interactions, including likes, comments, and saved posts, to predict their preferences accurately. This algorithmic approach enhances user engagement, as it continually provides content that aligns with their interests.

From Instagram’s perspective, suggested posts have multiple benefits. They help keep users on the platform for more extended periods, increasing ad exposure and improving user retention. Moreover, suggested posts serve as a discovery tool, allowing users to find new accounts, explore fresh content, and broaden their interests.

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 Pros and Cons of Instagram Suggested Posts

Like any feature, Instagram suggested posts have both advantages and disadvantages.


Content Discovery: Suggested posts introduce users to new content and accounts they might not have encountered otherwise.
Enhanced Engagement: By providing tailored content, users are more likely to engage with the platform regularly.
Diverse Perspectives: Suggested posts expose users to various perspectives and ideas, fostering a more inclusive user experience.

Intrusive Content: Some users may find suggested posts intrusive, disrupting the flow of their feed and preferred content.
Irrelevant Recommendations: The algorithm may occasionally provide recommendations that don’t align with users’ actual interests.
Limited Control: Users have limited control over the type of suggested content they receive.

How to Disable Instagram Suggested Posts

How to Disable Instagram Suggested Posts (iOS)

If you’re using an iPhone and wish to disable Instagram suggested posts, follow these simple steps:

Open the Instagram App: Launch the Instagram app on your iPhone.

Go to Your Profile: Tap on your profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Access Settings: In your profile, tap the three horizontal lines at the top right corner to access the menu.

Go to Settings: Scroll down the menu and select “Settings” at the bottom.

Account Settings: Under Settings, select “Account.”

Suggested Posts: Look for the “Suggested Posts” option under the Account settings.

Disable Suggested Posts: Toggle off the switch next to “Suggested Posts.”

Confirmation: A confirmation message will appear; tap “Disable” to confirm.

Now, Instagram suggested posts will no longer appear in your feed.

 How to Disable Instagram Suggested Posts (Android)

Android users can also disable suggested posts with these steps:

Open the Instagram App: Launch the Instagram app on your Android device.

Access Your Profile: Tap on your profile picture at the bottom right of the screen.

Menu: Tap the three horizontal lines at the top right corner to open the menu.

Settings: Scroll down the menu and select “Settings.”

Account Settings: Under Settings, choose “Account.”

Suggested Posts: Look for “Suggested Posts” under the Account settings.

Turn Off Suggested Posts: Toggle off the switch next to “Suggested Posts.”

Confirmation: Confirm your action by tapping “Disable.”

Once done, suggested posts will no longer interrupt your browsing experience.

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 How to Disable Instagram Suggested Posts (Web)

If you prefer to access Instagram via the web, you can disable suggested posts through these steps:

Visit Instagram Website: Open your preferred web browser and go to the Instagram website.

Log in to Your Account: Log in using your account credentials.

Access Your Profile: Click on your profile picture to access your profile.

Settings: Click on the gear icon (Settings) located next to the Edit Profile button.

Account Settings: From the drop-down menu, click on “Account.”

Suggested Posts: Look for the “Suggested Posts” option under Account settings.

Disable Suggested Posts: Uncheck the box next to “Suggested Posts.”

Confirmation: Confirm your choice by clicking “Disable” in the pop-up message.

 The Impact of Disabling Suggested Posts

 The Impact of Disabling Suggested Posts

By disabling Instagram suggested posts, you may notice some changes in your feed and user experience. Without suggested posts, your feed will only show content from the accounts you follow, resulting in a more focused browsing experience. The absence of suggested posts can lead to a higher level of content curation, tailored to your specific interests.

Tips to Enhance Your Instagram Feed

With suggested posts turned off, you can further enhance your Instagram feed by implementing the following tips:

Follow Relevant Accounts: Follow accounts that genuinely interest you, ensuring the content you see aligns with your preferences.
Utilize Hashtags: Search for and follow hashtags related to your interests to discover content beyond your immediate circle.
Engage with Content: Like, comment, and save posts that resonate with you to refine your feed further.

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 Instagram Algorithm and Content Visibility

The Instagram algorithm plays a crucial role in determining content visibility. While disabling suggested posts may improve feed control, understanding the algorithm can help you maximize content reach and engagement. The algorithm prioritizes content based on factors like relevance, engagement, and recency. To increase visibility, consider posting engaging content at optimal times and engaging with your followers regularly.


Instagram suggested posts offer a mix of benefits and drawbacks to users. While they aid content discovery, some users might prefer to disable them for a more curated feed. Fortunately, Instagram allows users to turn off suggested posts easily. By following the provided steps, you can take control of your feed and focus on the content that matters most to you.


Can I re-enable suggested posts after disabling them?
Yes, you can re-enable suggested posts at any time by following the same steps and toggling the switch back on.

Will disabling suggested posts affect the ads I see on Instagram?
Disabling suggested posts will not impact the ads you encounter on Instagram. Ads will still be displayed based on your interests and activity.

Can I still discover new accounts and content without suggested posts?
Absolutely! You can use hashtags, explore page, and engage with posts to find new content and accounts relevant to your interests.

Will disabling suggested posts affect how the Instagram Explore page works?
No, the Explore page will still suggest content based on your interests and activity, even if you disable suggested posts.

Can I customize the content I see on Instagram even with suggested posts turned on?
Yes, Instagram offers some control over the content you see through features like “See Fewer Posts Like This” and the ability to mute accounts.

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